Feb 21, 2013

Bid on your fantasy panties

If the machine isn't previously threaded, start from the top of the machine, threading the wooly nylon to the loopers. Once you get to the small eye of the looper, either use a looper threading tool to thread the eye or dab some Fray Check on the end of the thread to keep it from splitting and then thread it through with tweezers. Thread the right and left needle with regular serger thread and you are ready to go.

Luxurious lingerie from the best stores and online vendors are Valentine's gifts for wives which require careful planning. If you are in any doubt about lingerie sizing, simply have a peek in her lingerie drawer. Slinky silk pajamas are a romantic Valentine's gift for wives and available in a range of styles from the classic wrap-around top and draw-string pants version to baby doll styles.

Subtract 2 inches from your original waist measurement and cut the elastic to that measurement.

Secure a small safety pin to each end of the elastic. Use one of the safety pins to secure one end of the elastic to the edge of the opening for the elastic. Using the other safety pin thread the elastic around the slip in the pocket. The head of the safety pin should give you something to grab onto to help you thread the elastic through.

Sew the two ends of the elastic together by laying one on top of each other, after checking to be sure the elastic isn't twisted. While you're sewing, put a few stitches through the elastic pocket from top to bottom on the side seams and in the middle of the front and back to ensure the elastic won't turn. Sew closed the opening you used to insert the elastic.

Bid on your fantasy Hot Sexy Lingerie. EBay, of all places, has a good selection of crotchless G-strings. Here you'll find lacy, polka-dotted, mesh and an every other design you can imagine. Nothing is more exciting then finding a pair you like, then winning them in an auction. Just imagine the giggles you'll get when receiving an email from eBay congratulating you on winning your crotchless G-strings. That's priceless.MORE;Cheap Hot Sexy Lingerie

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