Earlier this month, jaws in the high fashion world dropped. The Row, the ready-to-wear line from Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, announced the release of its first line of handbags. It wasn't the pictorial reveal of said bags or even a rerun of Two of a Kind that caused the collective gasps and screams of horror. Rather, five little numbers set the blogosphere and Twitter on fire: 39000.
39000, also known as $39,000, is the price for a black crocodile backpack from the twins who, in a past life, performed ditties like "B-U-T-T Out" and "Gimme Pizza" on straight-to-VHS classics. They've matured, folks! Some Fashion News
Still, if I'm going to spend $39,000 on a handbag, it better come equipped with a real life Olsen twin ready to spout cheesy one liners ("You got it, dude!") at a moment's notice.
Image courtesy of Marie Claire
So, what's the point? Are the Olsen twins simply trying to make a statement, declaring that they have, in fact, grown up and are as sophisticated as other high end bag designers? Are these sisters showing us that you really can't appreciate the art of their craftsmanship without possessing 39K? Are they trying to prove that the quality of their products is truly on par with the great leather goods houses?
If the Olsens are indeed testing the collective body of American fashion, I would say that I have failed miserably. No matter how gorgeous a handbag (and let's face it, The Row's backpack is pretty lame save for its glossy croc skin), I can't justify spending the equivalent of a year's worth of Ivy League tuition or the full cash payment for a really nice Lexus on a bag.
I'll admit, I would gladly drop $10,000 (donations accepted!) on an Hermès Birkin, a mythic purse that has withstood the tests of time and trends to remain one of the most coveted and superior designs to ever exist, but $39,000 on a brand new bag from a brand new accessories collection?
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