Aug 31, 2011

Coach Handbags Replicas

The seller is listing an unusually large number of the same exact bag. This is a red flag because there are websites where you can purchase good-quality replicas, and I have seen these replicas listed on eBay claiming to be authentic.
Note that replicas are usually made of fabric, as leather is more expensive and therefore all-leather bags are less likely to be fake. (However, I have seen fake Coach bags made of all-leather. The all-leather fakes are usually very easy to spot – i.e. the quality of the leather is VERY poor, the fixtures are all wrong, etc.)
To have a taste of some of the Coach counterfeit you could find on the market, here are some photos of Coach replica handbags.

Aug 30, 2011

coach handbags recommendation

We keep talking about spring trends in handbags, clearly there are many. We have brought you stories on denim and perforated leather, and today I will tell you about another trend; floral patterns. Typically we would cover this Coach bag on PurseBlog Savvy, but I actually wanted to feature this on PurseBlog.
Coach bags receive quite a bit of flack from many handbag enthusiasts. And while this may be the case, Coach continues to be the brand that starts many people’s handbag obsession on their way into other brands while remaining the go-to brand for many as well. In fact, my first bag was a Coach bag.
In the past few years I have loved the direction Coach has taken. The collection is so diverse, it is easy to find a bag that suits different tastes and wants. Here we are with the Coach Madison Floral Audrey and I am in love. I am not typically drawn to floral print bags, but with spring around the corner as I see more floral prints I also realize how much I would love one.

The combination is romantic, with the feminine colorful floral printed canvas being accented with gold metallic leather trim. I just bought a new floral printed pillow cover for our couch from Williams Sonoma that reminds me of this bag. I keep staring at the pillow and realizing that I can no longer fight my old aversion to floral prints, I now embrace it.
Another reason I love the idea of this bag is because it is a trendier style that you may not wear year round, so it is perfect not to spend thousands on a trend. Dimensions are 11.5 L x 8.25 H x 6.5 W. Also, there is both top handles and a detachable shoulder strap. Buy throughCoach for $358 (they have the purple version).
Will you or won’t you sport a floral printed bag?

Aug 29, 2011

Passengers jump out of plane in India after bad landing

Terrified passengers jumped out of a plane in India on Monday after it skidded to halt on landing, trying to escape before emergency ladders were put in place, officials said.
Seven passengers were injured in the pre-dawn incident when the Gulf Air flight from Bahrain to Kochi in the southern Indian state of Kerala landed badly in wet weather conditions and veered onto muddy grassland.
"The Bahrain-Kochi Airbus 320 shot 10 metres (30 feet) off the runway. Some passengers in panic jumped out of the emergency exit before the ladders were brought," A.C.K. Nair, Kochi Airport director, told AFP.
"Because the nose of the plane was damaged the emergency (inflatable) ladder did not work, so a rescue team started bringing ladders to the site. But before they arrived, people began to jump."
"All those injured were injured because they jumped out too soon."
One passenger remained in hospital and the runway was closed for several hours, Nair said.
"The preliminary investigation revealed bad weather and poor visibility caused the accident," another airport official who declined to give his name told AFP.
Nair said 137 passengers were on board the flight.
In May 2010, a passenger jet overshot the runway in the south Indian city of Mangalore, killing 158 people in the country's worst aviation disaster since 1996.

Aug 26, 2011

India-Pakistan football series delayed

Hopes of a revival of India-Pakistan sporting ties were dashed on Friday when a two-match football series between the two sides scheduled to be held in Britain next month was called off.

"The series has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances and a fresh date will be announced in due course," said a Pakistan Football Federation spokesman in a statement.

The two-matches were scheduled for Derby on September 3 and Glasgow on September 9 and were anxiously awaited by fans at home and in Britain, which has a sizeable South Asian population.

Pakistan had announced a 22-member squad for the series on Thursday and the team was scheduled to fly on Saturday.

The series was supposed to be played last year but the Indian Football Federation could not get clearance from its own government.

New Delhi put a stop to bilateral sporting ties with Pakistan in the wake of terrorist attacks on Mumbai in 2006, which India blamed on militants based in Pakistan.

The attacks, which killed 166 people, led to India's abandoning their national cricket team's tour of Pakistan in early 2009, and no series have been played since.

Pakistan cricket authorities are trying to organise a tour of India early next year.

Aug 25, 2011

China issues protest over US report on military

China formally protested over a Pentagon report on the Chinese military Friday, calling it a major distortion that flew in the face of a warming trend in relations between the two nations and their militaries.

The United States' annual assessment of China's military capabilities and doctrine "seriously twists the facts and doesn't have a leg to stand on," the Defense Ministry said in a statement read on national television.

The Pentagon report issued Wednesday said Beijing is on track to achieve its goal of building a modern, regionally focused military by 2020, citing the development of a new stealth fighter, an aircraft carrier and a record number of space launches over the past year.

China's response accused the U.S. of spreading illegitimate concerns about a Chinese threat to regional security and of ignoring China's insistence that its military posture is purely defensive. Beijing said its military developments are a natural outgrowth of technological advances and not directed at any third parties, but didn't point to any specific claims in the report.

China has made "stern representations" to the U.S. side, it said, adding that the report's negative tenor was out of step with improvements in China's relations with Taiwan, the self-governing U.S. ally that Beijing has sworn to bring under its control by force if necessary.

"The Chinese side expresses our strong dissatisfaction and a resolute opposition to this," said the statement, attributed to ministry spokesman Yang Yujun.

Despite the government's pique, it seemed unlikely that the report would disrupt relations in any significant way.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden this week concluded a cordial visit to China and both sides are looking forward to a reciprocal visit by his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, President Hu Jintao's heir-apparent, before the end of the year.

Further military-to-military exchanges are also planned, although an upcoming U.S. decision on whether to upgrade warplanes owned by Taiwan or sell the island new ones could increase frictions. Beijing suspended military contacts last year in anger over the announcement of a U.S. deal to sell Taiwan $6.4 billion in new helicopters, anti-missile defense systems and other armaments.

The Pentagon report said China has closed critical technological gaps and is rapidly modernizing its military equipment, all with an eye toward preventing possible U.S. and allied intervention in a conflict with Taiwan. It also warns that the military expansion could increasingly stretch to the western Pacific in a move to deny U.S. and its allies access or movement there.

The Pentagon estimates that China spent more than $160 billion for its military in 2010. U.S. defense spending for that year was about $550 billion, not including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

U.S. defense officials have repeatedly called for China to be more transparent about its intentions in the military buildup, but the report also notes that Beijing continues to profess that the growth is peaceful.

The long-delayed Pentagon report comes as the sides struggle to restore relations between their militaries amid tensions over American support for Taiwan, cyberattacks blamed on China and Beijing's territorial claims in the South China Sea.

In 2010, the report said, a number of computer systems, including U.S. networks, were the target of intrusions that appeared to originate in China. The breaches were aimed at stealing data, but they exhibit the same skills needed for more destructive network attacks, it said.

Aug 24, 2011

Why Apple is more than just Steve Jobs -reship

Steve Jobs, who resigned as CEO of the world's largest tech company late Wednesday, is often identified as the singular face of Apple -- the man who is the energy and creative spirit behind the company.
But Apple is much more than just Steve Jobs.
Jobs himself has said so in the past.
"Apple is an incredibly collaborative company," Jobs said in an onstage interview at a tech conference last year. "We're organized like a startup. We're the biggest startup on the planet."
Not everyone buys this argument, of course, and Apple stocks fell 5% in after-hours trading on Wednesday after his resignation was announced in a letter. Jobs has been elected as Apple's chairman, but some observers question how much he will be able to contribute due to health reasons.
The 56-year-old went on a medical leave of absence earlier this year, his third time as CEO.
At the AllThingsD tech event last year, Jobs boasted that Apple's corporate structure doesn't include committees, which is a common practice among big business for distributing the responsibility for strategy among key executives. A different person leads each hardware, software and business division, he said.

"Teamwork is dependent on trusting the other folks to come through with their part without watching them all the time," Jobs said at the time. "We're great at figuring out how to divide things up into these great teams that we have and all work on the same thing, touch bases frequently and bring it all together into a product."
Furthermore, Apple has a succession plan in place.
Tim Cook, the operations wizard who is replacing Jobs as CEO, already has proven himself an adept manager. Cook filled in as interim CEO during Jobs' three medical leaves. Jobs announced his most recent absence in January, and Cook has taken over his duties since then. Apple has set business performance records during every quarter this year.
In his resignation letter, Jobs wrote that he strongly recommended Cook's appointment.
"I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it," Jobs wrote. "And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role."
"Steve's extraordinary vision and leadership saved Apple and guided it to its position as the world's most innovative and valuable technology company," Art Levinson, an Apple board member, said in a statement, adding that the board "has complete confidence that Tim is the right person to be our next CEO."
The CEO of any company has an important role, but Apple is structured in a way where it's less so, according to Jobs.
Jobs' influence touches practically all facets of the company, analysts say. In the onstage interview, Jobs described his role as having to meet with the various units and contribute ideas. But what features make it into the next iPhone or iPad is often determined by the people who are dedicated to working on their respective products, he said.
"If you want to hire great people and have them stay working for you, you have to let them make a lot of decisions, and you have to be run by ideas, not hierarchy," Jobs said. "The best ideas have to win, otherwise good people don't stay."
At Apple, the good people Jobs is referring to are part of the "top 100," a group that convenes regularly at off-site locations to share ideas, according to a recent Fortune article. A smaller group of executives also meets weekly to discuss the business, Jobs said.
"We all meet for three hours once a week, and we talk about everything we're doing," Jobs said. "And there's tremendous teamwork at the top of the company, which filters down to tremendous teamwork through the company."
As Jobs' managerial presence dwindles, Apple is in no immediate danger, because his thinking has been ingrained into many of the company's 46,600 employees, industry analyst Tim Bajarin said in a statement.
Apple outlines its product plans five years in advance and "has a deep bench of executives who know how Steve Jobs thinks, what his vision is for the next decade and are more than capable," Bajarin wrote.
Jobs and others have indicated that Apple is poised to continue producing popular products, and so most consumers won't notice a change, Sarah Rotman Epps, a Forrester Research analyst, said in a recent interview.
"I don't think the average person cares what's going on with Apple's leader," she said.
Apple is driven by "core values," Jobs said last year, not by one man. "We have the same values now, as we had then," he said. "We're a little more experienced, certainly beat-up, but the core values are the same."

The Endo Courier Bag by Spire Designs

Tough, rugged, good-lookin' messenger-style laptop bag
Recently, one of my Sunday morning guilty pleasures has been watching reruns of Eco-Challenge. You know that crazy, "like Survivor only it's real" expedition race that Mark Burnett hosted for a few years. These Eco-Challengers raced across British Columbia, Borneo, New Zealand and Fiji. And every time I see an episode, all I can think is, "Man, are they wet!". These crazy racers are in and out of the water, whether paddling a kayak, a white-water raft or a homemade bamboo Fijian bili-bili. I squirm and protectively reach over to my precious laptop and other electronic accoutrements, "Don't worry little MacBook, I won't take you into the Fijian jungle."

My MacBook remained unconvinced: our Sunday morning quality time had been usurped by Eco-Challenge and I had that crazy adventure racing look in my eye.

Fortunately, the folks over at Spire must have heard my MBP's uneasy rumblings. They sent over an Endo courier bag to review. Once I opened the box, I knew my MBP's sanity would be restored. Why? Three things immediately made me feel that the Endo is Eco-Challenge worthy:

1. The big-ass buckle closure on the front of the bag.
On any Eco-challenge, you need confidence. This buckle closure (and its sister closure on the shoulder straps) exudes confidence. "I am a big buckle, a strong buckle, a serious buckle. Not a shrinking violet buckle. I will keep your laptop secure." Word.

2. The well zippered pockets on the outside and inside.
Zippered pockets on laptop bags are your best friends. When your bag is rolling around inside a canoe, the back seat of your car or in an airplane overhead compartment, you don't want your stuff falling out and rolling around with it. These zippered pockets (complete with glow-in-the-dark zipper pulls!!) ensure that your stuff does not escape.

3. A drawstring cinch around the interior sleeve.
One of my beefs with laptop bags is that they might be constructed from water-resistent fabric, but their design still lets water leak in through the corners of the flap. Spire has created a design triumph! They have placed a drawstring cinch above the sleeve and interior pocket (you can see it in the photo below). So when your laptop is inside the sleeve, you cinch the extra material at the top of the sleeve (this extra material even has its own clever gussetting). And then you can fold the flap of the bag down. But this extra cinch protects your laptop against rain or snow that can sneak in at the corners of the flap in most messenger bags. BRILLIANT!! Whether you are an expedition racer or a bike courier, you will love this feature!

The shoulder strap for the Endo is super comfortable. It also has a removable waist strap with four attachment points, depending on your preference. On the back of the bag, there is an additional pocket which doubles as a pass-through for a rolling luggage handle.

I really like the Endo and am very comfortable keeping my laptop in it - whether in the wilds of Borneo or the rain-drenched streets of Vancouver - I'm confident it will stay dry and secure. Spire has done an amazing job thinking through the design of this bag, and their roots in Boulder, Colorado and the great outdoors really shows.

The Endo retails for $90 USD and comes in three colours. For smaller or larger laptops, they have the Viro and the Mojo, respectively. For those of you who are look for a great bag for your 17" laptops, the Mojo is definitely one to check out!